BrightAnalytics connects with FlexService and centralizes all operational data in one platform.
BrightAnalytics automatically transforms the data into intuitive and visually powerful dashboards, graphs, and reports, that provide instant insight into the performance of your business.
This provides you with a complete 360° view of your organization’s performance, both financial and operational KPIs can be accessed at any time and place.
FlexService is now part of HelloFlex Essentials, it consists of various software bundles that cover the logical parts of your workflow. From payroll and invoicing to fillings and counts, and efficient contract management.
BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 300 applications, and is creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!
BrightAnalytics est la plateforme de rapports de gestion la plus intuitive, la plus fiable et la plus rapide qui soit, couvrant tous les besoins en matière de rapports de gestion et de consolidation.
BrightAnalytics, la plateforme de reporting de gestion, propose 3 modules de reporting différents. Le module de base couvre l’information financière et peut être complété par les modules de trésorerie et/ou d’information opérationnelle.
Notre BrightSync se connecte à plus de 280 sources de données. L’un des principaux atouts de la solution est sa capacité à se connecter à n’importe quel système.